
Visit and thank you from the Avolio family.

Please know that I am talking about yesterday because the Avolios asked me specifically to let you ALL know how deeply they have been touched by all of your cards and letters and concern.
I had the privilege of meeting with the parents of Cadet Thomas Avolio yesterday. I traveled over to Penrose after attending the Spirit Mission in order to extend a personal Class of 2009 thank you to the Penrose Critical Care staff for their wonderful treatment of Thomas. From the moment I walked through the doors of that hospital I knew I was someplace special.

The staff in ALL areas of the hospital were lovely and generous and when I arrived at the CCU, it was clear that Thomas Avolio is in a good and healing place. A charge nurse was located and one of the staff came to the front to meet me. I told her how very much the USAFA parents appreciated their hard work on Thomas's behalf and was there anything further we could do for them? She said she and the staff were genuinely touched that they were remembered with the meals, and she said that Thomas's family has had a lot of wonderful USAFA visitors. The department receptionist said Thomas is a special patient to the staff there. I assured her he was special to us as well.

I was turning to leave and his nurse asked if I had seen Thomas's parents. I had not and wouldn't know them if they'd walked past. She was gone a moment, then Vic Avolio emerged through the doors by the desk. We were soon joined by Thomas's mother, Barbara, and Thomas's sponsor mom, Gail Lowe, who also volunteers at Penrose. Words fail me when I try to describe the grace of these people ...

Please know that I am talking about yesterday because the Avolios asked me specifically to let you ALL know how deeply they have been touched by all of your cards and letters and concern. They know there are prayer chains around the country supporting them and Thomas through his recovery and are most grateful. Mr. Avolio knew of the Spirit Mission food delivery and told me one of the staff had given him a copy of the note sent with the food the day before. He asked me to tell you: "We are so appreciative of everyone and we send our thanks to all for their prayers and support. Thank you to the Class of 2009 for taking care of the wonderful people who are taking care of Thomas."

Vic Avolio said he didn't know how in the world they would ever be able to thank so many people --everyone-- for doing so very much for them during this time. Barbara Avolio said, "We'd like to send a great big group hug to everyone, with all our love."

They are incredibly strong people, as those who've visited them know, and they see many signs of improvement in their son. But they also said they know there is a long road to recovery ahead of all of them. They ask your continued thoughts and prayers. And they asked that if you know anyone who needs thanking, outside this list, to please pass along their heartfelt gratitude.

Thank you for letting me share this with you ...

Written by Carol Bauer


At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Carol, Thanks so much for sharing your experience. How encouraging to know that Thomas and his parents are being taken care of by such compassionate folks. We are blessed to be able to share our appreciation through acts of kindness. Thanks again to the Spirit Mission organizers! Well done!!! Charlotte Nelson, Mom of C1C Jeff, Sq. 20


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